channel-support-argusCobo Argus Announcement

Cobo Guard Launch Announcement

Cobo Guard Launch Announcement

Dear Cobo Users, To enhance both the security and user experience, we are pleased to announce the official launch of our latest multi-factor authentication tool, Cobo Guard, on December 5, 2023. Building upon the capabilities of Cobo's existing multi-factor authentication tool, Cobo Auth, Cobo Guard introduces advanced features, including MPC key-share generation, MPC key-share management, and key-share threshold signing. These enhancements ensure a more robust and heightened level of security

Cobo Argus V2.1 Brings UI Enhancements and New Features

Cobo Argus V2.1 Brings UI Enhancements and New Features

Here’s a summary of Cobo Argus V2.1, *Support for multiple blockchains, more DeFi protocols, and wallet integrations. *UI Optimization: Redesigned with a focus on user business needs, renamed the “Strategy” and “Bot” pages into “Farming” and “Trading”. *Improved Role-based Access Control and Workflow Management : Expanded the permissions of the “Operator” role, allowing them to edit and configure single-sig authorizations and strategies bots. Introduced transaction bundle for convenient si

Cobo Argus New Design is officially live!

Cobo Argus New Design is officially live!

Dear Cobo Argus User, Since its launch in June 2023, Cobo Argus V2 has provided powerful on-chain collaboration and more flexible risk control settings for numerous institutions and DeFi teams. This has earned Argus V2 high recognition from institutional users. During this period, the Argus product team has been heads-down gathering user feedback , taking a customer-driven approach to iterating on the product. Key insights covered usage habits, DeFi protocol configuration paths, DeFi bot pre

Support of Compound ETH Authorization

Support of Compound ETH Authorization

Dear Cobo Argus Users, Cobo has launched a new Compound ETH Authorization strategy. To get started, simply log in to your Cobo Argus account at , click on “Strategy”, and select the Compound ETH Authorization. Then, follow the detailed instructions on the page to configure it. You can also visit the Cobo Argus product documentation for more information on its features! If you have any questions or need assistance during the configuration process, please don’t hes

Support of GMX Withdrawal bots

Support of GMX Withdrawal bots

Dear Cobo Argus Users, We are pleased to announce the launch of our new GMX Withdrawal bots. This automated withdrawal bots is designed to automatically withdraw liquidity when it detects liquidity crises or token depeg within the mining pool. To get started, simply log in to your Cobo Argus account at , click on “bots”, and select the GMX Withdrawal bot. Then, follow the detailed instructions on the page to configure it. You can also visit the Cobo Argus product

Action Required: Migrate to Cobo Argus V2 by August 31, 2023

Action Required: Migrate to Cobo Argus V2 by August 31, 2023

Dear Cobo Argus Users, We are writing to inform you that Cobo Argus V1 will be discontinued at 23:59  (UTC+8) on August 31, 2023. To ensure uninterrupted access to Cobo Argus services, we kindly request you to migrate your accounts from Cobo Argus V1 to Argus V2 by 23:59 (UTC+8) on August 31, 2023. Note that you will no longer be able to access Cobo Argus V1 after this time. How to migrate my account from Cobo Argus V1 to V2? Step 1: Go to the Cobo Argus V2 login page. Step 2: Log in using

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